Compressed air technology

Compressed air is expensive, but in many cases it is the most efficient means of cooling, drying, cleaning, conveying, extracting and eliminating static charge. We offer a range of intelligent products to optimize these applications in terms of efficiency, energy consumption, noise levels and ease of servicing. Compressed air technology can be used in a wide range of applications, from power generation and the automotive industry to food processing. Compressed air technology is not only reliable, but also environmentally friendly. By using state-of-the-art technologies, we minimize energy consumption and thus reduce your operating costs and your ecological footprint. You can rely on our many years of experience in compressed air technology. We offer you customized solutions that are specifically tailored to your individual requirements. 

Reduce the noise level in your production facility and save energy!

Our range

Blowing nozzles

Blowing off, cleaning and sorting are just some of the possible applications.
Our blow-off nozzles replace open pipes with a diameter of 2 to 25 mm and are available in steel, aluminum, zinc, Peek, etc.

Air curtains

The air curtain generates a uniform laminar air flow over the entire length. A large volume of ambient air is moved and a much smaller amount of compressed air is consumed. As a result, the air flow is up to 40 times higher. This allows you to blow off, clean, cool and dry with just Nm3/h. It is available in anodized/hard-anodized aluminium or stainless steel.

Vortex tubes

Vortex tubes generate cold air and are supplied with compressed air. They are made entirely of stainless steel with a brass generator. The compressed air enters the vortex tube and is literally split into two halves: the cold air on one side and the warm air on the other.

Ring nozzles

For blowing off, cleaning, drying and cooling cables, plastic and metal hoses, wires, optical fibers, tapes and ropes. They ensure a uniform air flow at 360º, reduced compressed air consumption and a lower noise level.

Air flow booster

Airflow amplifiers move a large volume of air for cooling, cleaning and drying. They are perfect for simple, cost-effective and maintenance-free use. Our airflow amplifiers optimize the extraction of smoke and vapours as well as the transport of light materials. Available in aluminum or stainless steel.

Compressed air guns

We offer you a wide range of compressed air safety guns. They also replace traditional blowpipes, such as those used in paper mills.

Our range is rounded off by vacuum conveyors, enclosure coolers, tool coolers, liquid extraction systems, guns for suction/blow-off, antistatic products and various accessories.

